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“Daylight Healing Time”

“Daylight Healing Time”

Both give you more LIGHT!  Think about it.  The primary purpose of Chiropractic is to locate and correct Subluxations.  If you break the word down you get:  SUB = less,  LUX = light, and ATION = a condition.

It literally means a state of less ‘light’ or energy caused when misaligned spinal bones restrict the flow of impulses through nerves.  A Chiropractic Adjustment corrects this misalignment, eases pressure off nerves and extends the time Life energy can stream through you – giving you more ‘daylight’ to heal yourself!

When you visit your Chiropractor, be confident your innate healing ‘light’ is shining brighter and longer after every Adjustment.  Life springs forward when you’re under regular Chiropractic care.